Publications Sylvain Fréour - liste E
E1 Fréour, S., Gloaguen, D., François, M., Guillén, R., Girard, E., Bouillo, J. (2002). Determination of the macroscopic elastic constants of a phase embedded in a multiphase polycrystal - application to the beta-phase of Ti17 titanium based alloy, 6th European Conference on Residual Stresses, 10-13 Juillet 2002, Coimbra, Portugal.
E2 Fréour, S., Gloaguen, D., François, M., Guillén, R. (2003). Study of the Coefficients of Thermal Expansion of phases embedded in multiphase materials, Thermec'2003, International conference on processing and manufacturing of advanced materials, 7-11 Juillet 2003, Madrid, Espagne.
E3 Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S., Guillén, R. (2004). A self-consistent approach for transient hygroscopic stresses and moisture expansion coefficients of fiber-reinforced composites, 11th European Conference on Composites Materials, 31 Mai au 3 Juin 2004, Rhodes, Grèce.
E4 Fréour, S., Girard, E., Guillén, R. (2006). Measurement and interpretation of residual stresses induced in Ti-17 by machining conditions, 7th European Conference on Residual Stresses, 13-15 Septembre 2006, Berlin, Allemagne.
E5 Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F., Guillén, R. (2006). Numerical and analytical scale-transition prediction of hygro-mechanical stresses in multidirectional carbon-epoxy laminates, 7th European Conference on Residual Stresses, 13-15 Septembre 2006, Berlin, Allemagne.
E6 Gueribiz, D., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S., Rahmani, M., Loucif, K., Guillén, R. (2008). Effective moisture diffusivity of composite materials, XVth international conference on Mechanics of composite materials, 26-30 Mai 2008, Riga, Lettonie.
E7 Yousfi A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F., Rahmani, M., Osmani, H., Guillén, R. (2008). A study of the mechanical behavior of thermo-oxidized composite lamina, CISM'08, 2ème Conférence Internationale sur les Sciences de la Mécanique, 16-18 Novembre 2008, Oum El Bouaghi, Algérie.
E8 Lacoste, E., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. (2009). On the relevance of the Kröner-Eshelby scale transition model for multi-morphous composite materials, ICSAAM 2009, International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials, 7-11 Septembre 2009, Tarbes, France.
E9 Youssef, G., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S. (2009). Multi-scale coupling between internal stresses and moisture diffusion, ICCM-17, 17th International Conference on Composites Materials, 27-31 Juillet 2009, Edinburgh, Royaume Uni.
E10 Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S., Youssef, G. (2009). On the use of geometric averaging in scale transition models, ICCM-17, 17th International Conference on Composites Materials, 27-31 Juillet 2009, Edinburgh, Royaume Uni.
E11 Yousfi, A., Fréour, S., Rahmani, M., Osmani, H., Jacquemin, F., Gueribiz, D. (2010). Mechanical effect of oxidation and shrinkage on the C/epoxy lamina, ACMA2010, Marrakech, 12-14 Mai, Maroc.
E12 Gueribiz, D., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S., Rahmani, M., Loucif, K, Yousfi, A. (2010). Homogenization of moisture diffusivity in composite materials, ACMA2010, Marrakech, 12-14 Mai, Maroc.
E13 Youssef, G., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S. (2010). Structure thickness and external load effects on the stress-dependent diffusion of moisture in organic matrix composites, 13th European Conference on Composites Materials, 7 au 10 Juin 2010, Budapest, Hongrie.
E14 Lacoste, E., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. (2010). A multi-scale study of residual stresses created during the cure process of a composite tooling material, 8th European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS8), 26-28 Juin, Riva del Garda, Italie.
E15 Fréour, S., François, M., Guillén, R. (2010). Determining Ti-17 -phase Single-Crystal Elasticity Constants through X-Ray Diffraction and inverse scale transition model, 8th European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS8), 26-28 Juin, Riva del Garda, Italie.
E16 Ramezani Dana, H., Perronnet, A., Fréour, S., Casari, P., Jacquemin, F. (2011). Identification of moisture diffusion parameters in organic matrix composites, 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS16), 28-30 Juin, Porto, Portugal.
E17 Célino, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F., Casari, P. (2012). Study of the diffusion behavior of natural fibers, 15th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM15), 24-28 Juin, Venise, Italie.
E18 Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S. (2012). Water-mechanical property coupling, Workshop Durability of composites in a marine environment, IFREMER-ONR, 23-24 Août, Nantes, France.
E19 Jacquemin, F., Sar, B.-E., Fréour, S., Davies, P. (2012). A comparison between the free volume theory and the thermodynamical approach for modelling of the multiscale interactions between stress and moisture diffusion in composite materials, Durability of Composite Systems (Duracosys 2012), 17-19 Septembre 2012, Bruxelles, Belgique.
E20 Yousfi, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. (2012). Eshelby-Kröner viscoelastic self-consistent model: Multi-scale behavior of polymer composites under creep loading, International Symposium on on Aircraft Materials (ACMA 2012), 9-12 Mai, Fès, Maroc.
E21 Célino, A., Gonçalvés, O., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S. (2013). Qualitative and quantitative assessment of water sorption in natural fibers using FTIR spectroscopy, Euromech Colloquium 550, 1-5 Juillet, Poitiers, France.
E22 Casari, P., Jacquemin, F., Freour, S., Davies, P. (2013). Effect of damage and moisture on the durability of composite laminates, Understanding Failure Mechanisms of Composites for Sustaining and Enhancing Military Systems Structures (AVT-211), 07-09 Octobre, Lettonie.
E23 Clément, A., Peret, T., Fréour S., Jacquemin, F. (2014). Computational homogenization of moisture diffusing behaviour of composite materials: application to transient uncoupled hygro-elastic analysis, 1st International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (MECHCOMP2014), 8-12 Juin, Long Island, NY State, USA.
E24 Peret, T., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S., Clément, A. (2014). Impact of water ageing on mechanical state in composite materials used in marine application: A micro scale study, 16th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM16), 22-26 Juin, Seville, Espagne.
E25 Hounkpati, V., Fréour, S., Gloaguen, D., Legrand, V. (2014). Accounting for a distribution of morphologies and orientations in stresses analysis by X-ray and neutron diffraction: the Generalized Self-Consistent model, 9th European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS9), 07-10 Juillet, Troyes, France.