Publications Sylvain Fréour liste B 2015-202x
B37 Sar, B.-E., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F., Célino, A. (2015). Accounting for differential swelling in the multi-physics modelling of the diffusive behaviour of a tubular polymer structure, Journal of Composite Materials, 49(19), 2375-2387.
B38 Fajoui, J., Fréour, S. (2016). New theoretical modelling of thermo-elastic behaviour using the geometric average: theoretical and numerical investigations, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 69(4), 829-838. DOI:10.1007/s12666-015-0565-1
B39 Hounkpati, V., Fréour, S., Gloaguen, D., Legrand, V., Kelleher, J., Kockelmann, W., Kabra, S. (2016). In situ neutron measurements and modelling of the intergranular strains in the near-β titanium alloy Ti-β21S, Acta Materialia, 109, 341-352.
B40 Péret, T., Clément, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. (2017). Effect of mechanical states on water diffusion based on the free volume theory: numerical study of polymers and laminates used in marine application, Composites: Part B, 118, 54-66.
B41 Ramezani-Dana, H., Casari, P., El Abdi, R., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. (2017). Characterization of the hygro-thermo-mechanical behaviour of organic matrix composite instrumented by optical fibre: study of interfacial bonding, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 77, 63-71.
B42 Ibrahim, G., Casari, P., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S., Clément, A., Célino, A., Khalil, K. (2018). Moisture diffusion in composites tubes: Characterization and identification of microstructure-properties relationship, Journal of Composite Materials, 52 (8), 1073-1088.
B43 Obeid, H., Clément, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F., Casari, P. (2018). On the identification of the coefficient of moisture expansion of Polyamide-6: accounting differential swelling strains and plasticization, Mechanics of Materials, 118, 1-10.
B44 Cocaud, J., Célino, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. (2018). What about the relevance of the diffusion parameters identified in the case of incomplete Fickian and non-Fickian kinetics? Journal of Composite Materials, 53(11), 1555-1565.
B45 Péret, T., Clément, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. (2019). Homogenization of Fickian and non-Fickian water diffusion in composites reinforced by hydrophobic fibers: application to the determination of transverse diffusivity, Composites Structures, 226 (111191), 1-9.
B46 Bourennane, H., Gueribiz, D., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. (2019). Modeling the effect of damage on diffusive behavior in a polymeric matrix composite material, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 35, 717-733.
B47 Márquez Costa, J.P., Legrand V., Fréour S. (2019). Durability of Composite Materials under Severe Temperature Conditions: Influence of Moisture Content and Prediction of Thermo-Mechanical Properties During a Fire, Journal of Composite Science, 3(2), 55-78.
B48 Rezig, A., Yousfi, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F., (2019). Effect of Erosion by Sand Particles on Wind Turbine Blades Performance in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas, International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 42, 24-33.
B49 El Hachem, Z., Célino, A., Challita, G., Moya, M.-J., Fréour S. (2019). Hygroscopic multi-scale behavior of polypropylene matrix reinforced with flax fibers, Industrial Crops and Products, 140(111634), 1-9.
B50 Rezig, A., Yousfi, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F., Branchu S. (2019). Increasing the lifetime of wind turbine blades by CBM in a dusty region, International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology, 7(4), 361-376.