Frédéric Jacquemin : quelques publications significatives

  • Grangeat, R., Girard, M., Lupi, C., Leduc, D. et Jacquemin, F. (2019). Revealing of interphases in bonded joints with a fiber optic sensor based on Fresnel reflection, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 91 : 12-18.
  • Péron, M., Célino, A., Castro, M., Jacquemin, F. et Le Duigou, A. (2019). Study of hygroscopic stresses in asymmetric biocomposite laminates, Composites Science and Technology, 169 : 7-15.
  • Obeid, H., Clément, A., Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. et Casari, P. (2018). On the identification of the coefficient of moisture expansion of polyamide-6: accounting differential swelling strains and plasticization, Mechanics of Materials, 118 : 1-10.
  • Rizk, G., Legrand, V., Khalil, K., Casari, P. et Jacquemin, F. (2018). Durability of sandwich composites under extreme conditions: Towards the prediction of fire resistance properties based on thermo-mechanical measurements, Composite Structures, 186 : 232-245. 
  • Humeau, C., Davies, P. et Jacquemin, F. (2018). An experimental study of water diffusion in carbon/epoxy composites under static tensile stress, Composites Part A, 107 : 94-104.
  • Peret, T., Clément, A., Fréour, S. et Jacquemin, F. (2017). Effect of mechanical states on water diffusion based on the free volume theory: numerical study of polymers and laminates used in marine application, Composites Part B, 118 : 54-66.
  • De Parscau, B., Jacquemin, F., Le Corre, S. et Lefébure P. (2016). Characterization and modeling of the polymerization-dependent moisture absorption behavior of an epoxy carbon fibre reinforced composite material, Journal of Composite Materials, 50 : 2495-2505.
  • Legrand, V., Tran Van, L., Jacquemin, F. et Casari, P. (2015). Moisture-uptake induced internal stresses in balsa core sandwich composite plate: modeling and experimental, Composite Structures, 119 : 355-364.
  • Tran Van, L., Legrand, V. et Jacquemin, F. (2014). Thermal decomposition kinetics of balsa wood: kinetics and degradation mechanisms comparison between dry and moisturized materials, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 110 : 208-215.
  • Peret, T., Clément, A., Fréour, S. et Jacquemin, F. (2014). Numerical transient hygro-elastic analyses of reinforced Fickian and non-Fickian polymers, Composite Structures, 116 : 395-403.
  • Célino, A., Gonçalvés, O., Jacquemin, F. et Fréour, S. (2014). Qualitative and quantitative assessment of water sorption in natural fibres using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, Carbohydrate Polymers, 101 : 163-170.
  • Célino, A., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S. et Casari, P. (2013). Characterization and modeling of the moisture diffusion behaviour of natural fibres, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 130 : 297-306.
  • Nawab, Y., Jacquemin, F., Casari, P., Boyard, N. et Sobotka, V. (2013). Evolution of chemical and thermal curvatures in thermoset laminated composite during the fabrication process, Journal of Composite Materials, 47 : 327-339.
  • Sar, B.-E., Fréour, S., Davies, P. et Jacquemin, F. (2012). Coupling Moisture Diffusion and Internal Mechanical States in Polymers - A Thermodynamical Approach, European Journal of Mechanics, 36 : 38-43.
  • Youssef, G., Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S. (2011). Radial Pressure and thickness effects on the moisture diffusion in hollow composite cylinders, Polymer Composites, 32 : 960-966.
  • Lamari, H., Ammar, A., Cartraud, P., Chinesta, F., Jacquemin, F. et Legrain, G. (2010). Routes for efficient computational homogeneization of nonlinear materials using the Proper Generalized Decompositions, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 17 : 373-391.
  • Lacoste, E., Fréour, S. et Jacquemin, F. (2010). On the validity of the self-consistent scale transition model for inclusions with varying morphologies, Mechanics of Materials, 42 : 218-226.
  • Abou Msallem, Y., Jacquemin, F., Boyard, N., Poitou, A., Delaunay, D. et Chatel S. (2010). Material characterization and residual stresses simulation during the manufacturing process of epoxy matrix composites, Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing, 41 : 108-115.
  • Youssef, G., Fréour, S. et Jacquemin F. (2009). Stress-dependent Moisture Diffusion in Composite Materials, Journal of Composite Materials, 43 : 1621-1637.
  • Gueribiz, D., Jacquemin, F., Rahmani, M., Fréour, S., Guillén R. et Loucif K. (2009). Homogenization of moisture diffusing behaviour of composite materials with impermeable or permeable fibres - Application to porous composite materials, Journal of Composite Materials, 43 : 1391-1408.
  • Youssef, Z., Jacquemin, F., Gloaguen, D. et Guillén, R. (2008). A multi-scale analysis of composite structures: application to the design of accelerated hygrothermal cycles, Journal of Composite Structures, 82 : 302-309.
  • Gigliotti, M., Jacquemin, F., Molimard, J. et Vautrin, A. (2007). Transient and Cyclical Hygrothermoelastic Stress in Laminated Composite Plates: Modelling and Experimental Assessment, Mechanics of Materials, 39 : 729-745.
  • Gigliotti, M., Jacquemin, F. et Vautrin, A. (2007). Assessment of approximate models to evaluate transient and cyclical hygrothermoelastic stress in composite plates, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44 : 733-759.
  • Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. et Guillén, R. (2006). Extension of Mori-Tanaka approach to hygroelastic loading of fiber-reinforced composites - comparison with Eshelby-Kroner self-consistent model, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 25 : 1039-1052.
  • Gigliotti, M., Molimard, J., Jacquemin, F. et Vautrin, A. (2006). On the Nonlinear Deformations of Thin Unsymmetric 0/90 Composite Plates Under Hygrothermal Loads, Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing, 37 : 624-629.
  • Casari, P., Jacquemin, F. et Davies, P. (2006). Characterization of residual stresses in wound composite tubes, Composites Part A : Applied Science and Manufacturing, 37 : 337-343.
  • Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S. et Guillén, R. (2006). Analytical Modeling of Transient Hygro-elastic Stress Concentration - Application to embedded optical fiber in a non-uniform transient strain field -, Composites Science and Technology, 66 : 397-406.
  • Fréour, S., Jacquemin, F. et Guillén, R. (2005). On an analytical Self-Consistent model for internal stress prediction in fiber-reinforced composites submitted to hygro-elastic load, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 24 : 1365-1377.
  • Jacquemin, F., Fréour, S. et Guillén, R. (2005). A Hygro-Elastic Self-Consistent Model for Fiber-Reinforced Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 24 : 485-502.
  • Jedidi, J., Jacquemin, F. et Vautrin, A. (2005). Design of Accelerated Hygrothermal Cycles on Polymer Matrix Composites in the Case of a Supersonic Aircraft, Journal of Composite Structures, 68 : 429-437.
  • Gigliotti, M., Jacquemin, F. et Vautrin, A. (2005). On the Maximum Curvatures of 0/90 Plates Under Thermal Stress, Journal of Composite Structures, 68 : 177-184.
  • Jacquemin, F. et Vautrin, A. (2004). Analytical calculation of the transient thermoelastic stresses in thick walled composite pipes, Journal of Composite Materials, 38 : 1733-1751.
  • Jacquemin, F. et Vautrin, A. (2002). A closed-form solution for the internal stresses in thick composite cylinders induced by cyclical environmental conditions, Journal of Composite Structures, 58 : 1-9.
Mis à jour le 19 décembre 2019.